Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


This letter deals with the problems the church in Corinth was experiencing: dissension, immorality, public worship, and confusion about spiritual gifts.


1  Salutation
Thanksgiving for Spiritual Gifts
Divisions in the Church
Christ the Power and Wisdom of God
2  Proclaiming Christ Crucified
The Revelation by God's Spirit
3  Laborers Together with God
4  The Ministry of the Apostles
5  Judgment of Immorality
6  Going to Law before Unbelievers
Glorify God in Your Body
7  Problems concerning Marriage
8  Food Offered to Idols
9  The Rights of Those Who Preach the Gospel
10  Warning against Idolatry
Do All to the Glory of God
11  The Covering of Women's Heads
Disorder at the Lord's Supper
The Institution of the Lord's Supper
Partaking of the Supper Unworthily
12  Spiritual Gifts
13  Love
14  Speaking in Tongues
15  The Resurrection of the Dead
16  The Collection for the Saints
Plans for Travel
Final Greetings