Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


In this important letter, Paul wrote to the Romans about life in the Spirit, which is given to believers in Christ through faith. The apostle tells them about God's great kindness and declares that because of Jesus Christ, God accepts us and sets us free from our sins.


1  Salutation
Paul's Desire to Visit Rome
The Power of the Gospel
The Guilt of Mankind
2  The Righteous Judgment of God
The Jews and the Law
3  There Is None Righteous
Righteousness through Faith
4  The Example of Abraham
The Promise Realized through Faith
5  Results of Justification
Adam and Christ
6  Dead to Sin but Alive in Christ
Servants of Righteousness
7  An Analogy from Marriage
The Problem of Indwelling Sin
8  Life in the Spirit
More than Conquerors
9  God's Election of Israel
Righteousness Based on Faith
11  The Remnant of Israel
The Salvation of the Gentiles
The Restoration of Israel
12  Exhortations for Christian Living
14  Those Weak in Faith
15  The Gospel to the Gentiles
Paul Plans to Visit Rome
16  Personal Greetings
Concluding Doxology