Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


Joshua led the Israelite armies into victory over the Canaanites. The book ends with the division of the land among the tribes of Israel.


1  Preparations for the Conquest of Canaan
2  The Spies Sent to Jericho
3  Israel Passes over the Jordan
4  The Twelve Stones Taken from the Jordan
5  The Circumcision and Passover at Gilgal
Joshua and the Man with a Drawn Sword
6  The Fall of Jericho
7  The Sin of Achan
8  The Capture and Destruction of Ai
The Law Recorded at Mount Ebal
9  The Deceit of the Gibeonites
10  The Defeat of the Amorites
11  The Defeat of Jabin's Alliance
Joshua Takes the Whole Land
12  The Kings Defeated by Moses
The Kings Defeated by Joshua
13  The Land Yet to Be Possessed
The Inheritances Given by Moses
14  Canaan Divided by Lot
Hebron Given to Caleb
15  The Territory Allotted to Judah
Caleb Conquers Hebron and Debir
The Cities of Judah
16  The Territory Allotted to Ephraim and Manasseh
18  The Territory Allotted to the Other Tribes
20  The Cities of Refuge Appointed
21  The Cities of the Levites
Israel Possesses the Land
22  The Altar by the Jordan
23  Joshua's Charge to the People
24  Joshua's Farewell Address
The Death of Joshua
Joseph's Bones Buried at Shechem
The Death of Eleazar