Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


Moses gave three farewell speeches shortly before he died. In them he reviewed the laws of God for the Israelites. This book gets its name "second law" from this review.


1  Moses Recounts the LORD's Promise to Israel at Horeb
The Appointment of Judges
The Spies Sent Out at Kadesh-barnea
God's Punishment on Israel
The Defeat of Israel at Hormah
2  The Years in the Wilderness
Israel Conquers Sihon
3  Israel Conquers Og of Bashan
Reuben, Gad, and Half of Manasseh Settle East of the Jordan
Moses Not Permitted to Enter Canaan
4  Moses Exhorts Israel to Obedience
Israel's Experience at Horeb
Warning against Idolatry
The Cities of Refuge East of the Jordan
Moses Recounts Israel's Law
5  The Ten Commandments
The People's Fear
6  The Great Commandment
Warnings against Disobedience
7  Israel Warned of the Idolatry of Canaan
A Holy People to the LORD
The Blessings of Obedience
8  A Good Land to Be Possessed
Warning against Forgetting the LORD
9  The LORD Will Destroy the Nations of Canaan
Israel's Rebellion at Horeb
10  The Second Tables of Stone
What God Requires
11  The Greatness of the LORD
The Blessings of the Promised Land
12  Only One Place of Worship
Warning against Idolatry
14  Clean and Unclean Food
The Law of the Tithe
15  The Year of Release
Lending to the Poor
The Treatment of Servants
The Consecration of Firstlings
16  The Three Appointed Feasts
The Administration of Justice
17  Instructions concerning a King
18  The Portions of the Levites
Warning against Heathen Practices
God Promises a Prophet like Moses
19  The Cities of Refuge
The Law concerning Witnesses
20  The Laws concerning War
21  Settlement for an Unknown Murderer's Crime
Various Laws
22  Laws concerning Chastity
23  Those Excluded from the Congregation
Laws of Sanitation
Laws of Human Relations
25  The Command to Blot Out Amalek
26  The Firstfruits and the Tithe
27  The Law to Be Recorded on Mount Ebal
The Curses at Mount Ebal
28  The Blessings of Obedience
The Consequences of Disobedience
29  The LORD's Covenant with Israel in Moab
30  The Conditions for Restoration and Blessing
31  Joshua Commissioned as Moses' Successor
The Law to Be Placed in the Ark
The Song of Moses
32  Moses Permitted to See the Land of Canaan
33  Moses Blesses the Tribes of Israel
34  The Death of Moses