Bible All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2 Timothy 3
Bible Challenge

Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.





For each question below, click on the circle next to the correct answer. When you are finished with the Quiz, push the 'Score my Quiz' button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!


Question #1
After Cain murdered his brother, he went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of _______

A. Nod
B. Canaan
C. Egypt
D. Ethiopia


Question #2
After Jacob tricked his father, Isaac, into giving him his brother's blessing, he went to stay with __________

A. his other brother
B. his sister
C. his uncle
D. strangers


Question #3
What did King Saul first do that was disobedient to God's commandments?

A. tried to kill David
B. offered a burnt offering and peace offerings
C. built an altar to Baal
D. falsely prophesied


Question #4
Who abandoned God's laws in order to please the Israelites in the desert?

A. Moses
B. Aaron
C. Jethro
D. Miriam


Question #5
Who prevented Balaam from ignoring God and going with the princes of Moab?

A. the Angel of the Lord
B. Michael
C. Gabriel
D. Balak


Question #6
Where did Jonah go instead of Nineveh, as God commanded?

A. Jericho
B. Jerusalem
C. Joppa
D. Jezreel


Question #7
What did God do to Miriam when she challenged Moses?

A. wallowed her up in the earth
B. made her leprous
C. struck her dead
D. consumed her with fire


Question #8
What did Aaron's sons do that brought God's wrath upon them?

A. committed adultery
B. snuck into the Holy of Holies
C. offered profane fire before the Lord
D. prophesied falsely


Question #9
What happened that made the prodigal son want to return home?

A. he spent all his money
B. the land was in famine
C. he had no food to eat
D. all of the above


Question #10
What turned Solomon's heart away from God?

A. his wives turned his heart to other gods
B. he became greedy for more wealth
C. God refused to heal him of an illness
D. God allowed his son to die

