Bible All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2 Timothy 3
Bible Challenge

Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.




Miracles in Scripture

For each question below, click on the circle next to the correct answer. When you are finished with the quiz, push the 'Score my quiz' button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!


Question #1
What lost item did the prophet Elisha cause to float to the surface of the Jordan?

A. wedding ring
B. ax head
C. gold earing
D. perfume vial
E. valuable coin


Question #2
How did Elijah raise the widow's son from the dead?

A. he wept over him for serveral hours
B. by pouring warm water over the body
C. by breathing the Holy Spirit on him
D. by waving his staff over the boy's body
E. he stretched himself out over him three times


Question #3
What did Jesus direct the man with the withered hand to do in order to be healed?

A. wash in the pool
B. streatch out his hand
C. wash in the brook Kidron
D. put his hand inside his shirt and draw it back out
E. had him wave it three times in the air


Question #4
How did Elisha proclaim that Naaman could be healed of his leprosy?

A. by destroying his temple in Rimmon
B. by sacrificing a lamb on an altar
C. by washing in the Jordan 7 times
D. by paying a tribute to Elisha
E. by sacrificing seven oxen


Question #5
How did Christ heal the deaf, mute man?

A. You can't fool me, that's not in the Bible
B. by laying His hands on him
C. He put his fingers in his ears and touched his tongue
D. by having him wash in the Jordan
E. by making him give an offering to the poor


Question #6
Which of these miracles DO appear in Scripture?

A. John the Baptist being restored to life
B. poisoned wine being purified
C. restoring an ox to life
D. catching a fish with a coin in its mouth
E. none of the above happen


Question #7
What tree did Jesus cause to wither up?

A. olive tree
B. date tree
C. fig tree
D. pomegranate tree
E. apple tree


Question #8
How did Jesus heal the man who had been blind from birth?

A. put clay on his eyes and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam
B. laid hands on him
C. with the words "be healed!"
D. by pouring oil on his head
E. You can't fool me, that's not in the Bible


Question #9
Who raised Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead?

A. John
B. Paul
C. George
D. Peter
E. Jesus


Question #10
Who healed the lame man laying at the gate of the temple Beautiful?

A. Jesus
B. Elijah
C. Peter
D. Paul
E. Ezekiel

