Bible All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2 Timothy 3
Bible Challenge

Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.




Books of the Minor Prophets

For each question below, click on the circle next to the correct answer. When you are finished with the quiz, push the 'Score my quiz' button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!


Question #1
Amos the prophet was a

A. farmer
B. sheepherder
C. priest
D. woodcutter


Question #2
How many various types of locusts are named in the beginning of the Book of Joel?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


Question #3
Who is the Book of Obadiah written to?

A. Edom
B. Moab
C. Israel
D. Philistia


Question #4
What book names Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah?

A. Jonah
B. Obadiah
C. Micah
D. Zephaniah


Question #5
What did Haggai tell the High Priest it was time to do?

A. go to war
B. rebuild the temple
C. tear down the altars to Baal
D. none of the above


Question #6
Put these minor prophets' books in order:

A. Hosea, Obadiah, Joel, Amos
B. Joel, Hosea, Obadiah, Amos
C. Amos, Obadiah, Hosea, Joel
D. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah


Question #7
Which is the correct spelling?

A. Habakkuk
B. Habbakuk
C. Habbakkuk
D. Habakuk


Question #8
Which book follows Zechariah?

A. Obadiah
B. Zephaniah
C. Malachi
D. Jonah


Question #9
Who wrote "'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord"?

A. Zephaniah
B. Haggai
C. Zechariah
D. Malachi


Question #10
Who wrote "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD of hosts."?

A. Zephaniah
B. Zechariah
C. Jonah
D. Malachi

