Bible All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2 Timothy 3
Bible Challenge

Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.




Little People, Big God

For each question below, click on the circle next to the correct answer. When you are finished with the Quiz, push the 'Score my Quiz' button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!


Question #1
What did David tell Hushai to do when they met on the mountain?

A. to accompany him into battle
B. to disguise himself and spy on Absalom
C. to return to Absalom and pretend to give him counsel
D. to flee for his life


Question #2
Who was Hushai competing with in giving Absalom advice?

A. Ahithophel
B. Zadok the priest
C. Jonathan
D. Abiathar


Question #3
Whose advice did Absalom take?

A. Ahithophel's
B. Hushai's
C. Zadok's
D. Abiathar's


Question #4
What did Hushai advise David to do after counseling Absalom?

A. to attack Absalom in Jersusalem
B. to stay where he was
C. to flee across the Jordan
D. to surrender to Absalom


Question #5
Where is the story of Jabez located?

A. 1 Samuel
B. 1 Kings
C. 1 Chronicles
D. 2 Chronicles


Question #6
Why was Jabez given his name?

A. it means "wealthy one"
B. it means "little known"
C. because it was his father's name
D. because he caused his mother pain at birth


Question #7
Which of these things did Jabez NOT ask God for?

A. enlarged territory
B. to be kept from evil
C. health and long life
D. God's hand to be with him


Question #8
Who did Ebed-Melech complain to about Jeremiah's situation?

A. God
B. the king
C. the king's son
D. the captain of the guard


Question #9
What did Ebed-Melech do for Jeremiah?

A. went into the dungeon with him to comfort him
B. sent him water
C. sent him food
D. rescued him from the dungeon


Question #10
What role did Onesiphorus play in the apostle Paul's life?

A. he was his prison guard
B. he contradicted Paul's teachings
C. he ministered to Paul's needs
D. they never met

