Bible All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
2 Timothy 3
Bible Challenge

Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.




Little Known Facts

For each question below, click on the circle next to the correct answer. When you are finished with the Quiz, push the 'Score my Quiz' button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!


Question #1
Jonathan had a son who was lame. What was his name?

A. Mephibosheth
B. Merry
C. Pippin
D. Jonathan, Jr.


Question #2
Only two of the Israelite men who came up from Egypt actually lived to enter the promised land. Who were they?

A. Jethro and Amalak
B. Joshua and Jethro
C. Joshua and Caleb
D. Caleb and Aaron


Question #3
The son of Jerubbaal killed 70 of his brothers so that he could reign over his relatives. Who was he?

A. Absalom
B. Abimilech
C. Ahasuerus
D. Artaxerxes


Question #4
This son of Gilead was born of a harlot and driven away by his brothers, but he became a judge over Israel for 6 years. What was his name?

A. Jephthah
B. Japheth
C. Jonah
D. Jeremiah


Question #5
The Book of Judges mentions only one female judge. Who was it?

A. Ester
B. Ruth
C. Deborah
D. Miriam


Question #6
King Saul consulted a medium at En Dor to conduct a séance. Who appeared to him?

A. Jonathan
B. Abraham
C. Samuel
D. Satan


Question #7
A well-known prophet was pulled from a dungeon pit by ropes made from old clothes and rags. Who was he?

A. Jonah
B. Jeremiah
C. Elijah
D. Elisha


Question #8
When a dead man was lowered into the tomb of this deceased prophet he was restored to life. Who was the prophet?

A. Elijah
B. Elisha
C. Jeremiah
D. Nathan


Question #9
Of the 12 tribes of Israel, one was charged with maintaining the Tabernacle. Which tribe was it?

A. Benjamites
B. Judah
C. Levites
D. Reubenites


Question #10
Many people think that Noah took only 2 of each animal on the ark. In truth, he took ___ each of every clean animal and bird onto the ark.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

