Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


Like Haggai, Zechariah urged the people to rebuild the Temple, assuring them of God's help and blessings. His visions point to a glorious future.


1  A Call to Return to the LORD
The Vision of the Horses
The Vision of the Horns and Carpenters
2  The Exiles Summoned
3  The Prophet's Vision of Joshua the High Priest
4  The Candlestick and the Olive Trees
5  The Flying Roll
The Woman in the Ephah
6  The Four Chariots
The Symbolic Crowning of Joshua
7  Insincere Fasting Reproved
Disobedience the Cause of Captivity
8  The Restoration of Jerusalem Promised
9  The Judgment on Neighboring Nations
Zion's Future King
10  The LORD's Redemption of His People
11  The Foolish Shepherds
12  The Future Deliverance of Jerusalem
13  The Smiting of the LORD's Shepherd
14  Jerusalem and the Nations