Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


This book begins with genealogies from Adam to David and then recounts the incidents of David's reign.


1  The Descendants of Adam
The Descendants of the Sons of Noah
The Descendants of Shem
The Descendants of Ishmael and Keturah
The Descendants of Esau
2  The Sons of Israel
The Descendants of Judah
3  The Sons of David
The Decendants of Solomon
4  The Descendants of Judah
The Descendants of Simeon
5  The Descendants of Reuben
The Descendants of Gad
The History of the Two and a Half Tribes
6  The Descendants of Levi
The Temple Singers Appointed by David
The Descendants of Aaron
The Cities of the Levites
7  The Descendants of Issachar
The Descendants of Benjamin
The Descendants of Naphtali
The Descendants of Manasseh
The Descendants of Ephraim
The Descendants of Asher
8  The Descendants of Benjamin
9  Those Who Returned from Babylon
The Genealogy of Saul
10  The Death of Saul and His Sons
11  David Made King over Israel
David Captures Zion
David's Mighty Men
12  David's Army
13  David Proposes to Bring the Ark to Jerusalem
David Goes to Get the Ark
14  Hiram's Recognition of David
David's Children Born at Jerusalem
David Defeats the Philistines
15  The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
16  David's Psalm of Thanksgiving
The Levites Appointed for the Ark
17  God's Covenant with David
18  David Extends His Kingdom
David's Officers
19  The Defeat of the Ammonites and Syrians
20  David Captures Rabbah
The Giants Slain by David's Men
21  David Numbers Israel and Judah
The Site for the Temple
22  David's Preparation for the Temple
23  The Divisions and Duties of the Levites
25  The Divisions of the Musicians
26  The Porters and Overseers
27  The Officers of the Kingdom
28  Solomon Succeeds David as King
29  The Death of David