Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


Under David's rule, the new nation was strong and unified. But after David committed adultery and murder, his family and nation suffered.


1  David Learns of Saul's Death
David's Lament over Saul and Jonathan
2  David Made King over Judah
David Fights against the Forces of Saul
3  David's Sons Born at Hebron
Abner Plans a League with David
Joab Kills Abner
4  The Assassination of Ish-bosheth
5  David Made King over Israel
David Captures Zion
Hiram's Recognition of David
David's Children Born at Jerusalem
David Defeats the Philistines
6  David Goes to Bring the Ark
The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
7  God's Covenant with David
8  David Extends His Kingdom
David's Officers
9  David's Kindness to Mephibosheth
10  The Defeat of the Ammonites and Syrians
11  David and Bath-sheba
12  Nathan Reproves David
David Captures Rabbah
13  Amnon and Tamar
Absalom's Revenge and Flight
14  Joab's Scheme for Absalom's Return
15  Absalom Revolts against David
17  The Counsel of Ahithophel and Hushai
18  The Death of Absalom
19  David Returns to Jerusalem
20  The Revolt of Sheba
David's Officers
21  The Avenging of the Gibeonites
Abishai Rescues David from the Giant
The Giants Slain by David's Men
22  David's Song of Deliverance
23  The Last Words of David
David's Mighty Men
24  David Numbers Israel and Judah