Lord, I don't know where this is going, or how this all works out.
Lead me to peace that is past understanding. A peace beyond all doubt.


In this book of beginnings the stories are about creation, early relationships between God and people, and God's promise to bless Abraham and his descendants.


1  The Creation
2  Man in the Garden of Eden
3  Man's Disobedience
4  Cain and Abel
5  The Descendants of Adam
6  The Wickedness of Mankind
Noah Makes the Ark
7  The Flood
9  God's Covenant with Noah
Noah's Drunkenness
10  The Descendants of the Sons of Noah
11  The Tower of Babel
The Descendants of Shem
The Descendants of Terah
12  God's Call to Abram
Abram in Egypt
13  Abram and Lot Separate
14  Abram Rescues Lot
Melchizedek Blesses Abram
15  A Son Promised to Abram
16  Hagar and Ishmael
17  Circumcision the Sign of the Covenant
18  The Birth of Isaac Promised
Abraham Intercedes for Sodom
19  The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
20  Abraham and Abimelech
21  The Birth of Isaac
Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away
The Covenant between Abraham and Abimelech
22  Abraham Commanded to Offer Isaac
23  Abraham Buys a Burial Ground for Sarah
24  A Wife Obtained for Isaac
25  Abraham's Descendants through Keturah
The Death and Burial of Abraham
The Descendants of Ishmael
The Birth of Esau and Jacob
Esau Sells His Birthright
26  Isaac at Gerar
27  Jacob Obtains Isaac's Blessing
Jacob Flees from Esau
28  God Appears to Jacob at Beth-el
29  Jacob Serves Laban for Rachel and Leah
The Children Born to Jacob
30  The Trickery of Laban and Jacob
31  Jacob Flees from Laban
32  Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau
Jacob Wrestles at Peniel
33  Jacob and Esau Reconciled
34  The Defilement of Dinah Avenged
35  God Blesses Jacob at Beth-el
The Death of Rachel
The Sons of Jacob
The Death of Isaac
36  The Descendants of Esau
37  Joseph Sold into Egypt
38  Judah and Tamar
39  Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
40  Joseph Interprets the Prisoners' Dreams
41  Joseph Interprets Pharaoh's Dream
Joseph Made Ruler over Egypt
42  Joseph's Brethren Come to Egypt for Grain
43  Joseph's Brethren Return with Benjamin
44  The Missing Cup
Judah Pleads for Benjamin
45  Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brethren
46  Jacob and His Family in Egypt
48  Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh
49  Jacob's Prophecy concerning His Sons
The Death and Burial of Jacob
50  The Death of Joseph