Here are some of the significant events that took place in 1999:

  • The Euro currency was introduced and started circulation in participating countries of the European Union.
  • The Kosovo War took place as Yugoslav forces withdrew from Kosovo after a NATO bombing campaign.
  • The Columbine High School massacre occurred in Littleton, Colorado, leading to increased debate on gun control and school safety.
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 11,000 points for the first time.
  • The King of Jordan, King Hussein, died, and his son, King Abdullah II, assumed the throne.
  • The impeachment trial of US President Bill Clinton took place in the Senate, but he was acquitted and remained in office.
  • Hurricane Floyd caused significant damage in the eastern United States.
  • The World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference was held in Seattle and saw large-scale protests against globalization.
  • The Mars Climate Orbiter was launched but failed to reach Mars due to a technical error.
  • The year 1999 also saw the release of several influential films such as "The Matrix," "Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace," and "The Green Mile."